About Me

Hi, I've been known online when I was younger as PikaPoster. I had a Pokémon blog called PikaPost, where I would post my silly little Pokémon decks or card reviews. It was a great time, and it helped me learn to write. Eventually, I learned to code, and I started re-creating my website using different web frameworks, like React and Vue. I just discovered neocities, and I think this is my opportunity to start a website again. Static html and css is dead simple and I think will keep me motivating and not overwhelmed. So, that's why I made this site.

I'm 21 while writing this, but there's no chance I'll remember to change the date. Just look at the published date and the current date and do the math, I guess. I've graduated college, with a degree in Computer Science and Data Science. Right now I'm working in a PM role for a data analytics company, but I really enjoy writing imperative programs in C and Rust or experimenting with more mathematical or esoteric languages like Haskell.

Of course, my biggest interest is still and has always been Pokémon. To get the obvious questions out of the way, my favorite Pokémon is Glaceon, my favorite region is Hoenn, and my favorite type is Fairy, followed closely by Ice. My favorite starter is Sceptile, although I love all the Hoenn starters almost equally. Back when I was very little I played Pokémon Emerald on an emulator on the family computer, and my team was comprised of Blaziken, Aggron, Hariyama, Walrein, Rayquaza, and one other Pokémon that I just can't put my finger on. I think it could have been Mightyena.

I'm mostly a fan of the older video games, mostly gens 1-6, but my absolute favorite is the TCG. I play at my local league, and almost exclusively Unlimited, or a variety of retro formats. One of my friends at league is big into RS-PK, so I've spent a lot of time playing that. My absolute favorite deck in that format is Delta Feraligatr. My current Unlimited deck is called Monkey Killbox, and features Annihilape with a bunch of damage buffs. It's great fun.

I plan to use this site as a space for my thoughts, deck ideas, to talk about my most recent obsession (right now it's Slay the Spire), or anything else I think of. I could really use a low-maintenance creative outlet right now, as a lot of my other hobbies are pretty demanding in terms of effort and time (like bookbinding, I haven't done that in over a year I think). Thanks for checking out my site, I hope you find something you like.


cherry blossoms cherry blossoms